My Ansel Adams Tribute

It wasn't that long ago – about a year I think – that I heard about Ansel Adams for the first time and saw some of his photos.

I soon learned that there was an Adams exhibition in Gl. Holtegaard, a gallery in north Zealand not that far from where I live, so I went – of course – and I was blown away by most of his photos, it was a small exhibition, I think there was around 30–40 photos.

Well, anyway, this is My tribute to the late great photographer Ansel Adams – read more about him here.

Well, it's all Lightroom once again that I used for post-processing the photo. Converted it from color to , added a lot of contrast the Ansel way, that's it.

My Ansel Adams Tribute by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.