A Grey Morning at Stevns Klint

I have been down here 4 mornings within a month, that may not sound as much, but considering that I work most days and that it takes a bit over an hour to get here from where I live, I think it's quite ok, don't you?

The reason for getting down here, was that I wanted a good-looking sunrise – none of the mornings rewarded me with that – but the “problem” is that the sun rises over the to the left, and in order to get an awesome sunrise, there has to be a clean and beautiful sunrise, but there also have to be some clouds over the here, so they can get a nice and purple color from the sun.

This photo is from my second , and the worst of them all, I didn't even see the sun that morning. But I refused to go home empty-handed, which is why I made this photo, no way near perfect, but the best from that morning.

A Grey Morning at Stevns Klint by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.