Take me to the Greeks

This is one of my earliest photos, it’s an old Greek couple from the island Crete, it was made during the summer of 1998, my mother was turning 50, and instead of having a big birthday party, she invited my father, brother and me to a 2 weeks vacation in Greece…….Thanks Mom!
My brother and I rented some scooters and drove around the island, this photo is shoot some where up a mountain road, where we ended at this little grocery store, run by these to lovely people.
After we had finished our sodas, I asked if I could make a photo of them, and they said yes.
Scanned to Photoshop, I didn’t remove any dust,but I added some color and some contrast.

Take me to the Greeks by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.