Chestnut Tree

4923213321_a26c749b27_oMy parents have this huge old chestnut tree in their garden, my dad have for many years wanted to cut it down, because when the leaves fall off in autumn it just messes up the whole garden, and he hates cleaning it up, but my mom – and my brother and I – likes the tree and that’s enough to make it stay.
I shoot this photo in early spring 2010 to keep as a memory of the tree, just in case my father gets his way someday.

It’s a 5 RAW exposure HDR, made in Photomatrix and I did a lot of cleaning up afterwards in Photoshop, cause it was a bit windy the day and that made the branches move around a bit, I also toned down the green color of the grass.

Chestnut Tree by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.